It is mandatory to submit the abstract through online portal.
   Maximum of 3 authors are allowed for paper/poster presentations. The following combinations are preferred (All 3 from different specialties/ 2 from same and one from other specialty/ 2 different specialties).
   It is mandatory for all the authors to be registered for the conference.
   Individual presenters are also allowed to present papers and posters provided the presentation should include interdisciplinary knowledge.
   All the interns are allowed for both poster and paper presentations.
   REVIEW Poster/Paper is also allowed for first year Post graduates.
   Name of the Author / Presenters / Participants / Title, Institution contact details (Email ID and contact numbers) shall be stated separately and clearly for further communication. If the abstract is accepted the notification will be sent to the author.
   Last date for submission of abstracts will be till 18th January 2022.
   The scientific committee will have the sole discretion to accept or decline a paper or poster.
   All abstracts for paper or posters will be exclusive properties of the scientific committee.
Note: All the final PowerPoint presentations and word documents should be in MS office 2007 compatible mode. All the presentations should be pre-recorded (Paper: 8 Min, Poster: 3 Min & 2 Min. for discussion).
   Video / Audio clips are not allowed in the presentation of the paper or poster.
   All presenters need to send the soft copy before 23rd January 2022, papers / posters sent after the due date would not be considered for presentation.
   Single presenter is allowed provided the topic is interdisciplinary.
   Out of two presenters from the same specialty only the main presenter will get the certificate (wherein 2 presenters are only presenting and they belong to same department / speciality).
   Certificates will be provided for all the three presenters who are from three different specialties (Perio + Prostho + Endo / 2 Perio + 1 Prostho / 2 Endo + 1 Prostho / 2 Prostho + 1 Perio).